Cross fingers and toes cloud atlas
Cross fingers and toes cloud atlas

cross fingers and toes cloud atlas

In contrast to prior work on wearable force feedback gloves, we focus on creating a low cost and lightweight device that renders a force directly between the thumb and three fingers to simulate objects held in pad opposition (precision) type grasps.

cross fingers and toes cloud atlas

The Wolverine is a mobile, wearable haptic device designed for simulating the grasping of rigid objects in a virtual reality interface. Ploch, and Sean Follmer from Stanford University. "Wolverine: A Wearable Haptic Interface for Grasping in Virtual Reality," by Inrak Choi, Elliot W. The controller as well as the analysis methods developed here are applicable to any robotic platform with a similar doubly-actuated spherical tail joint. This controller also enables (and, indeed, appears intuitively to be crucial for) sustained empirically stable hopping in the frontal plane by virtue of its substantial robustness against destabilizing perturbations and calibration errors. We show that this controller is successful at reliably reorienting the Jerboa body in roughly 150 ms of freefall from a large set of initial conditions. We develop a provably stable controller for underactuated aerial stabilization of the coupled body roll and tail angles, that uses just the tail torques. In this paper we take the first steps toward operating Jerboa as a fully spatial machine by addressing the predominant mode of destabilization away from the sagittal plane: body roll. The Jerboa, a tailed bipedal robot with two hip-actuated, passive-compliant legs and a doubly actuated tail, has been shown both formally and empirically to exhibit a variety of stable hopping and running gaits in the sagittal plane. Koditschek from the University of Pennsylvania. "Frontal Plane Stabilization and Hopping with a 2 DOF Tail," by Garrett Wenger, Avik De, and Daniel E.

Cross fingers and toes cloud atlas